Young Leader Work Experience

This week, 3 Year 10 pupils took part in Young Leader Work Experience with KPMG.

Elizabeth Aston has written about the experience below. Well done to all 3 students who took part.

Mr Little 

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week Isabella, Cadence and I had the opportunity to take part in a young leader work experience with KPMG. Initially we had to fill out a form explaining why we wanted to take part in this programme as there was only limited space for approximately 30 girls in all the boroughs of Greater Manchester. On the first day when we arrived, we were separated into groups of 5 and these were the people we worked with over the both days. Firstly, we started off with thinking about who we think usually works in technology and what they would like and what qualities they have. After that we had a look at some statistics and learnt about how KPMG use those to advise companies. Then we moved onto learning about Artificial Intelligence and how you can use it to create start up ideas for a business and also ask it to create a logo design. To finish of the day, we learnt about how people can create an app and how they start off by giving an outline on what they want it to look like – then we were asked to sketch out some specific pages for our chosen app.

On the second day we started off learning about cyber security and how you deal with a stolen data. We also coded some drones and made them do multiple things like fly forward really fast and flip.