Year 7 ‘Make Home ‘Work” Project Day
Last Friday saw the project-phase of our Year 7 ‘Make Home ‘Work’ Scheme. Over the last few weeks, every department has supported pupils with advice and skills from organising their planner to researching a project.
Over the last fortnight, pupils chose a subject brief to complete which allowed them to explore an Arts-based research and creative project, often underpinned by scientific and mathematical themes such as the Fibonacci Sequence and the Big Bang.
This culminated in a project day all day in the Adshead Hall and the Hive on Friday where pupils spent the morning finalising their projects and supporting their team mates to ensure their work had the WOW factor. During Period Five, pupils made a showcase of their tutor team’s work ready to show-off to parents and staff after school.
Each tutor group had volunteers to present on behalf of their class mates and staff were massively impressed by not just the quality of work but the eloquence of the pupils speaking to them, equipped with their certificates for completing the scheme!
What a day, Year 7 – you were phenomenal!
Miss Hitchens