Wellington Debating Society
This week we debated whether or not the British Monarchy is fit for purpose any longer. Unfortunately, the whole debate revolved around money: were King Charles and Co value for money? Debaters compared Paris (dead king) with London (living king) to make the case for or against the monarchy: doesn’t Paris have more tourists? Would executing the king lead to an uptick in tourist numbers? However, the really interesting issues of how having a king, living in a monarchy, affects the day to day lives of the population weren’t tackled. Does an inherited throne exacerbate everyone’s sense that they live in an unequal society, where we are living in a country, unlike in America, where who your father is determines who you can be? Next week we will be debating space exploration, and whether that is a massive waste of time and money. Next Thursday at 3.00 in Room 9.
Mr Ahern & Mr Murphy