Revision Advice

Revision Advice

Revision must be ‘active’: it requires pupils to engage with the information they must learn. Likewise, any computer-based activity is better supported with handwritten activity also, e.g. writing a summary of a podcast or handwritten flashcards

What doesn’t work:

A Summary of the How Our Memory Works

To stop information falling from our memory, we must make it ‘stick’ so it can make its way safely to the long-term memory. This is achieved by retrieving information and revising it regularly over time until it cannot be forgotten:



It is important that pupils chunk and organise their revision: we recommend between 1.5 and 2 hours each evening ahead of examination periods. A useful method to adopt is the Pomodoro methods where pupils revise for 25 minutes then have 5minute breaks and then repeating this:

Use your breaks well:

Creating the Right Environment:


KS3 Revision Timetable Template

KS4 and 5 Timetable Template


Our Top Three Strategies for Retrieving Factual Knowledge

A complete revision approach will of course involve lots of different activities; however, here are our favourites for factual knowledge retrieval and revision:

  1. Flashcards

Flashcards are a great way to:

  1. Cornell Notes


Cornell notes are good for several things, especially if you’re looking to improve how you take notes and summarise information. Here are some of the benefits:

Cornell Notes Pages 

  1. Mind-Mapping

Pupil-Friendly Mind Mapping Video:

Mind mapping is helpful for a variety of reasons, both in terms of how it works with the brain and the practical benefits it offers. Here’s a breakdown of its strengths:


Other Resources

Learning Walkthrus

This book support pupils and parents with advice about different approaches to learning and revision. Wellington School subscribes to the Walkthrus platform for teachers.

This book is available from all good retailers:


PiXL Revisit Resources

PiXL offer lots of graphic organisers in their Revisit booklet. We have copies of these in our LRC ‘Revision Corner’ also!

PiXL Revisit Handbook

Existing PiXL Guides

Chunking Technique

Cognitive Load Theory


Flipped Learning

Interleaving Technique

Keeping Active

Spacing and Timing of Revision