Wellington School SEND Mission Statement
Mrs Norbury (SENDCo)

I am Mrs Norbury and I am the SENDCo and an Assistant Headteacher at Wellington School. I currently hold the National Award for SENDCo’s which is a qualification all practicing SENDCo’s must have.

Our vision for the young people who have a Special Educational Need is:

That they are able to thrive within the learning environment, that they feel well supported by reasonable adjustments to support their special educational needs.  Most importantly, that students leave Wellington happy, with excellent outcomes and are able to contribute to the wider community.

From 1st September 2014, there were new duties with regards to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND Code of Practice 2014).  Wellington School remains committed to being an inclusive, mainstream secondary school as part of Trafford LEA.

In order to ensure that we are continuously meeting the needs of our young people, we review and develop the current provision. This will be done in consultation with our students and parents/carers.  It is important to ensure that there are clear lines of communication to ensure that the school and parents are working together to ensure the best outcomes for the student.

We do hope that you will attend one of our Clinics surrounding ADHD, ASC, SPLD and Anxiety that we have planned over the course of the year.

If you need to speak to myself then please get in touch.

Telephone: 0161 928 4157


Trafford’s Local Authority’s Local Offer can be accessed here

Trafford Educational Psychology Service have a brand new Facebook page which can be accessed here

Useful Information for Parents

SEND Policy

Send – Meet the Team 24-25

ADHD Found Takeda Kids Booklet May 22

General Info for New Year 7 Parents

SEND Information Evening

Parental Workshops Provided by Trafford Sunrise:

10-16 Anxiety

10-16 Communicating with Teenagers1

0-16 Managing Change

10-16 Managing Change[1]

5-12 Behavioural Difficulties Aug 21

5-12 Behavioural Difficulties July 21

5-12 Bullying

5-12 Changing Schools

5-12 Parental Separation

Anxiety and Wellbeing workshop

Self Harm workshop

Autism in Schools Project Training for Parents/Carer