Cambridge University Schools Debating Competition  

The Northern Round of the Cambridge University Schools Debating Competition took place last weekend in York, and three of our teams were there to compete: Sourish Chanda and Jaden Chiu, Saleha Hashemi and Dilara Gencer, and Maiko Fairbrother and Georgia Holmes. The motions proved to be quite challenging – debating whether authors of fiction should be anonymous, whether foreign aid should be conditional on recipients adhering to environmental standards, and whether we should ban competitive sports that have high rates of injury, such as boxing. The standard was very high, and with our Year 9 and Year 10 debaters competing against the best Year 12 and Year 13 debaters from across the North, we were always going to be up against it. Our A Team of Maiko Fairbrother and Georgia Holmes came very close to making the cut and going through to finals in Cambridge this year, getting a first and a second place in their debates. Well done all, a fantastic performance!
Mr Ahern & Mr Murphy