Thank you for taking the time to view our website, which I hope provides the information most useful to parents and students in a readily accessible way.
I could, of course, at this point (as is the norm) spend time ‘waxing lyrical’ about how wonderful a school we are, how dedicated the staff and how our fabulous young people inspire me every single day, but if you spend a few minutes on the website, you’ll find that out for yourself.
Naturally, there are the statutory elements of the site such as exam results, Ofsted report, SEN policy, information pertaining to Pupil Premium eligible students and much more besides, but perhaps it is the Calendar, This Week and Latest News sections that will be of most interest. If you are an ‘avid’ reader of my weekly bulletin, then you will have an option whether to read it in its entirety or just head straight for a particular feature. In time, parents may opt for ‘alerts’ about topics, events, themes, subjects, sports, year groups etc of their choice. All exciting stuff!
Ultimately, it is hoped that the website will encourage even more engagement in School life from the wider Wellington community and serve as a true celebration of our young people.
S Beeley