Altrincham Dodgers in Calgary!
Over the half term holidays, some of our pupils flew to Calgary, Canada to take part in the inaugural “World Youth Open”, with their dodgeball team Altrincham Dodgers, representing the UK.
The competition was played in a different format of dodgeball to what they are used to playing. In Europe, we play a 5-ball cloth game with slightly different rules, compared to the rest of the world who play a game of 6 foam balls.
There were three age categories in the “Foam” format of the game and one in the “Cloth” format.
Most of the teams we played against were international squads, including Hong Kong, who are elite at the foam game and went away with the 1st place gold place medals in all three age categories. Despite their losses, Altrincham Dodgers fought until the end giving Hong Kong a challenge in each age group. The Altrincham Dodgers Under 18’s team drew against Hong Kong in the group stages but unfortunately, they met them again in the semi-final and fell short to play for 3rd/4th place.
The under 18’s did play a “Cloth” game against the USA, who were the only team willing to play them at their game. After the time had ended, Altrincham Dodgers hadn’t given a set away and became World Champions in this format with a score of 8-0.
Our results are as follows:
Under 12’s Foam – 2nd Place
Under 15’s Foam – 2nd Place
Under 18’s Foam – 3rd Place
Under 18’s Cloth – World Champions!
We would like to congratulate the whole team on their incredible performance!
Well done!
Mrs Bailey