Oxford University Debate Trip – 13th February 2025
Four of Wellington’s debating teams – Jessica Bell and Ella Goodman, Maiko Fairbrother and Georgia Holmes, Sufyaan Farid and Daniel Johnson, Dilara Gencer and Saleha Hashemi – went to the qualifying round of the Oxford University School’s in Sheffield this week to compete, with Mr Murphy and Mr Fenwick. The first motion was whether convicts should be able to join military service in return for lower sentences. Our teams argued against the motion, showing the flaws in this method of rehabilitation and the hard it would do to our national security, as well as undermining cohesive values necessary to run a functioning military. However, also being on the opposing side, we argued the economic benefits of the motion, the importance of large military in a time of heightened global tensions, as well as the importance of restorative justice, allowing convicts the chance to demonstrate they have changed. The second motion – that the narrative of motherhood is a rewarding experience that has done more harm than good – also brought out excellent arguments for and against: how it puts pressure on women through stereotypes, thereby harming mental health; linking motherhood and societal oppression; how it is restrictive to argue womanhood must be tied to reproductive functions, preventing women from feeling fulfilled; and how it is a sexist statement, how the very concept of motherhood is dangerous: pushing it as a utopia demonises those who don’t fit into the ideal of motherhood.
Our teams were well placed in several debates; however, we didn’t make the cut for finals in Oxford University this year.
Mr Ahern & Mr Murphy