Mingalaba Visit
Year 9 had great fun with Steve Eadon from Mingalaba on Monday. He delivered an inspiring assembly to the whole of Year 9 on his experiences working for Arsenal FC and how languages enabled him to progress in his career. It was so interesting to hear of the possible jobs at a Football Club, so many of which require a language to be able to do successfully. We listened to some stories about his encounters with famous players and his travels all over the world. Steve then led Spanish and French sessions throughout the day where our pupils got involved doing warm-ups in the target language and played mini football matches using essential football phrases, such as “à gauche” “à droite” “tire!!” (To the left, to the right, shoot!!)
It was a fantastic day, and our pupils did really well. I hope it has opened their eyes to how valuable language skills can be in an ever-smaller world.
Mrs Ramsumair