Sixth Form Welcome

We would like to this opportunity to welcome you to Wellington School Sixth Form.

We are extremely proud of the positive and caring ethos that is cultivated in the Sixth Form.  Our School values of Honesty, Community, Fairness, Excellence and Endeavour provide a framework to meet the needs of a modern ever-changing world.  The Sixth Form at Wellington is inclusive and we take pride in the personalised approach afforded to every student. The size and structure of our Sixth Form allows every student to flourish within our community. Subject staff, tutors and the Sixth Form Team are pivotal in supporting students and it is the pastoral role of staff which sets our Sixth Form apart. There is a built-in network of support which ensures that the needs of each individual are identified and catered for.

Through the quality of provision in all its forms, the sheer dedication of students, staff, governors and active engagement of parents, have all contributed to the continuing success of our Sixth Form. Our results in recent years have ranged from amongst the top 5%- 25% of sixth form providers nationally for value added to student progress. Every member of the Wellington community is fully committed to maximising the achievement of each student. It is our aim to develop capable, confident and caring young people.

In our view, the Sixth Form should not only be judged on those tangibles such as results and facilities, but also on the preparedness of its students to succeed in later life. Students undertake a range of enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities that endeavours to prepare students not just for exams but for the world beyond.