Year 12 Geography Trip

This week Miss Baker and I took the Year 12 geographers to the Lake District for three days to learn how to collect geographical data for their NEA. On the first day we went to Keswick, a major centre for tourism in the Lakes. Here the students learnt how to measure the urban environment. Miss Baker and I were so impressed by their commitment to each task. They worked well in their sub teams and supported each other throughout the day. When completing questionnaires, they approached visitors to Keswick in a polite, friendly and respectful way leading to useful results.
At the centre in the evening the atmosphere became competitive! We played a vast array of games including Dobble, Jungle Speed, Uno and Mölkky (a Finnish throwing game). We’d highly recommend each of these. Although if you’re a competitive family (and Monopoly has already been banned) be warned… they may lead to family feuds!
On the second day we went to Silloth – the Victorian seaside town in the north lakes. The students learnt how to measure groynes, sand dunes, beach material and complete beach profiles. Again, they worked diligently despite the slight turn in weather! We had a great time on the beach and the students really enjoyed the experience (as you can probably tell from the photos…!). The minibus was suspiciously heavier on the return journey as one student couldn’t quite decide on their favourite pebble on the beach… and resist leaving the others!
The second night was just as competitive as the first! Round 2 of the Geography Games! A chance for some students (and teachers) to redeem themselves after the first night! 
On the final day, after the second smorgasbord of breakfast delights, the students learnt how to present, analyse and display geographical data. 
The trip was fantastic. Miss Baker and I had a great time with the students and have really enjoyed getting to know them more on a personal level. 
Well done Year 12. Thank you for being so hard working, focussed and fun!
Miss Hennessey