Staff and Sixth Form Christmas Jumper Day
On Friday 15th December, we ended the term on a high with our ‘Staff and Sixth Form Christmas Jumper Day’. This has become something of an annual, festive tradition and, over the years, we have raised hundreds of pounds for charity. Students and staff looked resplendent in their winter woollens. Plenty of sparkle and tinsel on display too! Collection buckets were at the ready in tutor bases and, combined with ParentPay donations, we managed to raise a fantastic £470.64 for Centrepoint, a UK charity which provides accommodation and support to homeless young people aged 16–25. A brilliant effort by everyone and we thank all the students and families for their generosity in supporting such a worthy cause. Well done to those of you who went the extra mile with some wonderful and wacky outfits including a roast turkey hat and a full Santa suit!
Mrs Wilson