Year 10 – GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition – Restaurant Trip

Year 10 food pupils visited Borrello restaurant in Sale to investigate food plating techniques as well as examining portion sizes and Italian cuisine.

Pupils sat down to enjoy the two course, early bird menu which offered a wide variety of dishes at a very reasonable price.  Before eating each course, we studied and discussed how the food had been plated, highlighting techniques such as using a balsamic glaze, adding fresh herbs and using specific style plates to accentuate the food.  It was great to see how effective some simple techniques could be used to ensure the diner has a quality experience.

The main courses were the perfect portion sizes and pupils will be able to apply their new-found knowledge when preparing dishes for next year’s practical examination.

There was also an option to add a dessert however we decided that we were quite full and would struggle with a third course – maybe next time as they sounded delicious.

Well done to all the Year 10 pupils involved, who were extremely polite and courteous throughout and help make it a very enjoyable event.

For those interested in sampling the food for themselves, here is the link to the restaurant’s website:

Mrs Ryan