16-18 Study Programme

At Wellington School Sixth Form, students follow a full-time structured programme of study that is tailored to their academic needs and future aspirations, whilst also supplementing academia with a plenitude of enrichment opportunities.

The majority of students at Wellington choose at least three A levels, with a minority of students studying four A levels, inclusive of Further Mathematics. In addition, students are offered the opportunity to complete the EPQ (Extended project qualification) to enhance an already broad and balanced curriculum.

The academic programme is also supplemented/supported by a substantial amount of enrichment opportunities. Activities include participating in a Curriculum for life (C4L), the development of study skills, community work, debating and a thorough CIAEG programme addressing all post-18 opportunities. Please see the enrichment tab for further information about these areas.

The ultimate objective of the 16-18 study programme is for students to not only complete the two-year period achieving the very best academic outcomes but also possessing the skills and knowledge to successfully navigate adulthood and a secure a bright future.